21 April 2006

Is Reservation Neccessary?

Well when Dr B R Ambedar, had made reservation neccessary, his intention was to uplift the down trodden society of those day INDIA, true to his dream i believe we are able to uplift the down trodden to a well position today. But yet there is a very long way to go till we completely terminate the disparity that is existing in the society. But today reservation ie the MANDAL commission set up by the govt is no more used as a tool for uplifting the society, rather is used as a political gimmick just to quander more votes from the meagre section of the society.
In favour of reservation, i would like to comment reservation should be made on the basis of economic status of the individual, rather than his caste, else it might even create more furore in the existing situation. When reservation was implemented way back, the existing scenario had upper caste dominating every fabric of life and so called the backward section of the society were left behind, with no hope of improving there life as they had no avenues for quality education nor good jobs, but after decades of reservation policy that has helped many of the section to come up in life. It will not be appropriate to increase the reservation quota as it will create unneccesary competition among the youth.
Well the point i like to make is reservation should be not be intoduced in those paltform where proffesionalism comes, and there are hundreds competing for the same position, afterall here ones performance should be considered not his background, else we will be churning out mediocre engineers, doctors and managers institutes that boast of international recognition.
well this being my 1 public opinion on such a critical issues i would apologise for any wrong fact s that i may presented.