22 September 2008

Religious Intolerance.

I ever wondered whether being born as Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Jew ever took me closer to God. If this wasn't the case why is the world hell bent on converting someone from one religion to other, and again reconverting them back. If a conversion to a religion is the ticket to long lasting peace, then I think the converters are forgetting the major clue. It's not the religion but the practice of your religion will take you closer to GOD, and grant one self everlasting peace and Happiness.
As the saying goes, The door of the Heavens opens for you for eternal joy and Bliss. But everyone forgets the preface to the quote, being a righteous man will you the get your share of bliss and happiness. Of late religious conversion is on rampart in Indian society. The country being secular has given the rights to its citizen to choose the religion he like and practice his culture without hesitation. The oppressed lower caste Hindu who have been tormented by the rich upper caste for ages have chosen to change there religion when provided an opportunity by the christian missionary. I wonder just by changing your religion does one get rid of all the difficulties of his life, Then surely just one religion would have survived over the centuries. Nobody has realized that suppression in lower caste arises due to economic factors and low illiteracy. Thus any organization want to really provide succor to the oppressed they should have ensure by providing them with education and employment opportunities. As Lord Jesus said, if you give fish to hungry, you feed him for the day, but if you teach him to fish, then you feed him for his life. Thus for this reason the christian missionary should be praised that they have set up school in the remote corners of the country, where government has failed to reach its masses. But if they think that by bargaining education and resources with their religion, they are mistaking their work ethics. Conversion & Reconversion has off late resulted in series of violent attacks on the majority & minority citizens of the country. Hills of Kandhamal which would have hardly striked anyone's sight on the Indian Map is now making headlines around the world over the issue of communal fight between the 2 groups. Though the reason between animosity between the 2 group though both initially belonged to lower Hindu caste earlier, has been fueled by the fact one group after conversion has a better literacy and influential position. The killing of a holy seer which has led to escalation of violence in the entire state of Orissa and as a result has affected the minority living in the other state like Karnataka. The situation is more of a political issue rather than a mere religious matter.
The reality of religious conversion being hidden amidst rubble's of political & economic disparity is the fact people are not converted by force or will, but driven to despair by living in a discarded society with no self respect and financial constrain. The people apart from promised a place for themselves in heaven from following a certain religion are given a identity in the society. It's this condition that makes them convert to different religion. Though there are various governmental law that need to be abide while conversion takes place, ensuring that conversion in not forceful & against there will. But the matter still remain untouched whether conversion gives you the peace and happiness which remained elusive when you were someone else, or was it just a route taken to avoid the societies neglect, poverty and desperation.

15 September 2008

IT's not NORMAL Anymore.

Last evening as I called up my aunty to check out how she was, the moment I heard of Delhi serial blast. She told me, that she was fine and things were back to normal soon. People were in fact also flocking to the bomb sites near the 2 famous busy markets of Delhi, to know how the situation looked.
The media ensured that the entire nation was aware of the new disaster that striked the country once again by covering the entire incident immediately after the blast till late night including live press from the Home minister, Chief Minister and other important dignitaries. The live response of entire nation echoes just one sentiment that whatever the terrorist do to steal the peace and normalcy of the country, we shall not budge, get afraid, and we will be back to our routine. It looks the serial blast have become a weekly affair in the country. Thus the citizens feel there is not much to be scared of. If you are unlucky then you suffer at the hands of the cruel fate, else we just end up speaking few words, how incompetent the federal government has become, that it is unable to provide security to its citizen.
The silver lining of the entire cowardice incident carried out by the terrorist that it has failed to induce fear in the heart of the citizens of the country. Though the attack has been carried out by a group of individual, it doesn't really matter to which group they belong to, what I fail to understand is in such attack those who die do not belong to any peculiar group. So the very purpose of fighting such an insurgency really serves no purpose. On what ideology are these incidents carried out, result is just destruction.
The media is holding debate amidst top politicians, whether to implement stringent anti-terror laws to uphold safety of the citizens. Some group is interested in training specialist for post attack investigation to avoid future attacks. Few other claims that we need to improvise out intelligence bureau so as to track the terrorist and pass on the necessary information to others. Some request others not to blame a particular society/group while the investigation is going on, though the indication invisibly points towards them. All these measure will no doubt help to solve if not completely avoid any future terrorist attacks.
Amidst all this turmoil there is certain change that's happening in the mindset of the INDIANS. Though we claim we are brave to face any such attack by the insurgent on us, that they can break our resolve to lead a routine life with peace and happiness. Deep amidst these claims, fear has found its root and we try to hide it by living a routine layman life. Else we wouldn't have become so remorse, for we pity only when we are helpless. This feeling of helpless has arisen from the seeds of fear, which is covered by our feeling of superficial existence. Thus when we speak that despite the serial bombing in my town, our life has been unaffected, it’s because we are helpless not knowing what to do, and say life is just normal. But the truth remains; life is no longer NORMAL anymore.