25 September 2006

Watering the Leaves doesn't sustain the plant

On September 23 Shri Kapil Sibal, union minister for science and technology came to JNCASR to inaugrate the Nano-Lab, during which he promised large funds to set up premiere institutes in the country to enhance science learning in the country. As a matter of fact it's well known a country is said to well developed if Science and Technology is given a higher priority in it agenda. Well along with education, medical health, water supply, i personally feel that any country should also give more importance to R&D as it will strengthen nation's intellectual wealth. No doubt defence should be never be sidelined, but the amount of countries GDP that is invested back in defence seems ridiculous, despite knowing that we live in highly insecure environment. But this attitude seems to have taken prosperity out of countries vision, as the income invested in defence overlooking important issues in the countries has taken it toll, by compromising on nation's development.
Well coming back to the point, i believe the reason we lacked in science and research for such a long time ever since we became independent was lack of infrastructure, which became quite accessible only after we allowed globalization to hit the indian market. As a result we see clearly good increase in countries contribution to science. Because of the ease at which we have access to good equipment, chemical and other infrastructure after globalization. Prior to globalization india contribution to science came only from Atomic Science, Nuclear Science and Space science, but this again arouse because of the need to develop means to generate electricity, thus the dept of atomic energy became the mother institute for space technology and missile technology.
Now we have major share and contribution to Software technology around the world due to large number of graduates coming from this background, moreover the job oppurtunities in this field being highly rewarding there's large student pursuing this course. The threat looming large over indian science is the fact that there are large number of student going abroad to pursue there higher studies (MS, PhD) in US and European countries. This is no doubt a matter of pride as we are the largest expat communities in most of the foreign universities along with chinese. But lets not feel this is a BRAIN DRAIN, but lets look it as BRAIN GAIN, the foreign exchange that we earn from our NRI working abroad. The problem is when we set up more good research institutes and lab in the country, what gurantee can we have that we will be able to attract the brightest of mind into these lab, when we are losing them to foreign universities. Most of the student do return to the country after completing Phd and Post Doctral felolowship. Buts its important to really to find out how many have really turned back to pursue science back in the country. The solution to improve scienctific research in the country is just not increasing the number of research institutes and lab with state of arts, but the fact try to retain our student back in our own country to pursue there research here itself by having better wages for them, less we lose them to better pay scale jobs, or foreign universities. The other problem that need to be simultaneously tackled is enhancing the science curriculm at our school and college level, so as to ignite more mind pursuing science.
Well the problem that striking the roots of countries science and technology just does not solve with allowing better infrastructures in the country, but also has to be dealt by finacially improving the stipend of research seekers. Thus water has to really reach the roots to ensure we grow scientifically, less we lose our ignited and bright minds to foreign universities.


Anonymous said...

Very much true.
It is our responsibility not to loose the status of Scientifically Proficient country and appropriate measures must be taken in this regard.

Especilly teachers and professors must be more responsible alonwith beurocrats and government.

Arun Narasimhan said...

Manu, a couple of points I would like to make

1. There has been an sudden increase in the population in the 1980`s and 1990`s, and during that time the government didnt concentrate much on science. That is one of the main reasons, there are so few institutes for research in our country.

2. We are a developing country and we cannot pay scholarships as developed countries pay. There shall always be discrepancies between our the scholarship payed by us and others.

3. And as for as the software side of it. Many graduates, other than software professionals are being payed the same amount as our scholarship (take for eg, industrial, mechanical and other industries).

Well look at it this way, there is a bright future for all of us.