05 February 2007

Mobocracy Rules.......

"Men are Cruel, but Man is KIND."--------Rabrindranath Tagore.

Over last few days there were few incidents that have caught the attention of the entire nation. Foremost was the Nithari incident, where the mob mostly consisting of lawyers(Justice provider) attacked mercilessly the main accused Mohinder singh and Satish Kohli. The nation argued over the point was it justifiable to take law into its hand when law takes into own sweet time to decide the fate of criminals. But what struck me more after analysing other situation that struck bangalore recently was the mini communal riot that triggered and shut the city virtually, luckily not much damaged was done, unlike the last riot that triggered during Rajkumar funeral, Cauvery dispute and many more which are bit vague in my mind.
Man behaves so differently when in a mob, compared to an indivdual indentity he is. Any sane person will always shun violence and advocate it to be parcel belonging to
the uncivilized clan. But it seems his phiolosophy takes a hammering the moment he becomes a part of a mob, where he loses his sanity and let forth his instinct that shames the entire mankind. The moment we are a part of a crowd, man loses his individual identity, and becomes a part of the mob phiolosophy, and every action that he does is decided by the environment around the mob and instinct running the crowd.
There are so many cases where most of the heinous crime have been not by an individual instinct but by the mob instinct. Gujrat riots had multiple such stories to tell, and let me not open the pandora's box. Have we ever asked ourselves, what happens to an individual when he becomes the part of the mob? It seem there is a coherent thought process that flows amidst the mob members which stimulates the animal instinct within us. Afterall its animals that lives in herd, not humans. This animal instinct which trigger ourself to act in most inhuman we can never imagine of.
Is there no ways can we resctrict the mob to act inhumanely, well im searching an answer for my self, and though the fact its the same sane individual man that makes up the mob. But the statement made by Tagore which I have quoted says it all, though as an individual identity we may be kind, but group of us turn cruel. Doesnt it look a bit controversial for the fact that even swelling up of good men in mob, leads to devilish consequence.


mouna said...

the setting of a mob changes the thought-process of an individual instantaneously. probably it is because of the anger, restlessness that runs high during the time. it all appears to be very trivial when retrospected upon.

shrutibadhwar said...

Well... u r right... when in crowd... man ceases to think for himself..the voices of people around him, the cries,the shouts outside... become louder than his inner voice, his inner consciousnes... The only solution is to strengthen oneself.. against external influences.. refuse to let the circumstances bend our morals... It is almost an unpractical task.. yet self restraint is the most advisable thing.

Kaapi Prash said...

Mob mentality is a very powerful tool. Unfortunately it is more popularly employed to attain negative ends. Imagine, there are no ends to things that can be achieved by mob mentality. What if it was put to good use; for a positive transformation, for better life and for a better world. That is exactly what all the spiritual leader who were ever born trying to tell us.
Try reading about the "The Third Wave"

Anonymous said...


There is a slight difference between the words "there" and "their."

Think about it.