11 February 2009

In Love

When Separation agonizes the Mind,
You Know you are in Love.
When you compromise your Happiness for theirs happiness,
You know you are in Love.
When your dream are no more yours But Our's
You know you are in Love.
In solitude when you think of none, but only them,
you know you are in Love.
If you Lust not for gratification, but for Intimacy,
You know you are in Love.
When you trust None, But Only One,
You know you are in Love.
When pain and Fear dissolves in their Presence,
You know you are in Love.
When Heart takes precedence over Mind in making decisions,
You know you are in Love.
Now you Know you are in Love,
Not Because you choose, But it Chanced.


Unknown said...

Hiii buddy...
Glad you put them up here...
Am sure, it is going to have several hearts stirred...
Great Job..
Coolo Thinking..


Ruchika said...

This is awesome..just loved it...
I hope you will not mind if I use this to convey my feelings to my someone special... :)copyrights and stuff :P

Ravi... said...

hey...nice one!