Quite often as I would travel on work to different corners around the globe, one thing has always amazed me is the type of jobs that are undertaken by people all around. No work is ever big or small and there is always dignity is attached to every job we undertake.
At my alma mater, we were taught the importance of work with the dictum 'work is worship'. This feeling behind the work always guided us, allowing to put in 100 % percent of our effort while achieving the goal. This feeling no doubt helps you avoid the ego building up within, when enlisted with a important big task; or feeling of embarrassment when enlisted with a menial job. The work could vary from assisting and sharing space with world leaders/musicians to cleaning campus/hostel premises.
Carrying out your own work helps you build your own self-confidence and esteem. But imagine if all small jobs done by person himself, then the very service industry could run out of option. I would be very careful in making some poignant observation while travelling across our country. You would invariably see at airport toilets, someone lending you tissue paper, lift-man to press the floor you want to travel, someone to issue you parking ticket on an automated machine. These are very simple observation that anyone would come across our country, I always felt do we really need people for these jobs, aren't we capable of doing all these by ourselves. When we meant that we have to create jobs for the growing population of our country, Its not merely those job, that would require someone to robotically go through the same motion 24 hours, leaving his mind decomposing.
These jobs in the service industry are to belittle one existence, and I'm sure the individual is always capable of using his limbs for better service than to merely use in conjunction to ease other's daily chores. The pertinent question to ask would be, Is that the person can DO only that much, It's never about empowerment here, since any job an individual gets will surely be financially rewarding based on the economic strata he comes from.
I'm of the firm opinion that jobs should be rolled out so that unemployment is no more a stigma to our developing country, but jobs just for the heck of it, serving no purpose and more importantly resulting in making his limbs busy, but mind morbid can only result in dormant society.
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